Donnerstag, 5. November 2015

TV habits by rotzngift

Hey guys, today I want to tell you a little bit about my TV habits. They aren’t very interesting, but I have no idea what else to write about. So let’s go!

I usually watch one or two hours of TV a day, sometimes more, sometimes not so much. The only programme I watch every day is „Salzburg heute „ it aires on „ORF 2“, a little bit later I eat something or do some other things and at half past nine I go and watch TV again. Then I watch a programme I like. It isn’t the same every day. Mostly it is a series on the channel Dmax, but I then I mostly play with my smartphone. I always eat crisps or popcorn or drink something whilst watching TV.
I switch the TV off when I get bored of it. This mostly happens at 10 p.m , but it can also be at 12 o’clock p.m or later.

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