Dienstag, 10. November 2015

By ti-ka5
23. October 2015

What is “in” tomorrow?

Today we can’t think of a life without having the latest fashion, when something new comes out everyone wants to have it. But why are we so focused on following them and what will be in the future?

In Austria it was a must-have to wear big necklace but it didn’t took long and it was outdated. Now thin small necklace are the latest trend. So there you can see how short- lived trends can be and how fast they are out. Is that only my opinion or do you have the same mindset.

However, I think that some trends are really horrible, for example child models and plastic surgery. It’s not ok that children have a childhood like that. They have to go to one beauty show of the other and can’t enjoy the really important things in life. Today people are scared of becoming older but plastic surgery isn’t a solution for this problem. Everyone should have the right to decide what they want to follow, but you should always reflect, if it is wise or not.

I think we will have things in the future we can’t belief today. People maybe invent nail polishes with can change the colour, or shoes which helps you to fly, we will have other clothes, technology and so on.

So what do you think what will be a trend in the future? Please answere me, what do you think will be in.

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