Dienstag, 10. November 2015

October 23th, 2015

Dyeing craze

Hey Guys! I’m writing today cause I would like to share my opinion on dyeing one’s hair. It’s the latest trend in Austrian and almost everybody is into the “Dyeing craze”. The demand is overwhelming. But is it good four your hair if you always dye it in new colers?

I think it’s more important to care about your health than to be in and up-to-date all the time. But most of the teenage-girls want to be like their beauty idol and if this person has dyed hair, they have too. This summer, lots of girls with dark hair dyed their hair blond. Only because it’s a short-lived trend! That’s crazy and it looks terrible, in my opinion.

To dye and style your hair from time to time is no big deal, but to change the color every week, because of fashion, is very unhealthy and your hair will become gray.
I think that trends which are old fashioned today will catch on and get trendy in the future. Because fashion repeats itself. Everybody should find his/her own style because in this case nobody’ll become a slave to fashion.

To come back to the “Dyeing craze”: I think it’s one’s own decision and you are responsible for your health and your hair! And I have to say that your natural haircoler is always more beautiful then dyed hair.

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